Biodegradable Poke Bowls

The development of our bio bowls was such an important step for us. These little babies had been in the works for 14 months, and we were so excited to finally be able to debut them and ditch the plastic! They are exactly the same shape and size as our old bowls, but made from a material called bagasse, which is just sugar cane stalks that have been crushed to extract their juice. Our bio bowls can break down into compost in just 119 days, which we think is pretty damn amazing. The lids to our bowls needed to be made from sturdier stuff in order to seal properly and keep food fresh, but these are now made from 76 percent recycled plastic. 


Food always tastes better when it’s good for you and good for the planet, and this is just one of the ways that we have taken action to be the most sustainable business we can be.

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