Our family

If you’ve seen Lilo & Stitch, you’ll know that ‘ohana’ is a Hawaiian word meaning family. But more than that, it’s an extended concept that includes relatives, friends, neighbours, colleagues or communities. The people within an ohana support each other and show loyalty, compassion and integrity to one another in a mutually beneficial relationship. Maintaining an ohana culture at Island Poké is something that is very important to us – we want it to feel like one big happy family.

If you enjoy customer interaction, have innovative ideas and lots of energy to bring to the party, we would love to welcome you to our ohana.

What’s great about working with us

The serious stuff

  • We are a rapidly growing company who are able to invest in people as the business grows
  • We provide ongoing training and development opportunities at all levels
  • Chances for career progression are plentiful – more than half of our poké central team started out working in our restaurants
  • You can usually move up through the ranks in 3–6 months


The fun stuff

  • We throw legendary and lively staff parties
  • We have flexible rotas, and the working hours are sociable 
  • Plenty of treats for the employee of the month or quarter
  • Cycle to work scheme 
  • You’ll get free poké!!

Positions available

– General Manager or Area Manager

– Poké Pros (Supervisors) 

– Aloha Ambassadors (Front of House)

– KP/runners


We are always on the lookout for vibrant bubbly people to join our Island Poké family, so if nothing is available then send us an email and we’ll see what we can do.

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